Resident Evil:
HOA Hells and the Nightmare within The American Dream
Lecture One:
Inception: And As a Virus It Spreads—How Did HOAs Start and How Did We Get Here?
This lecture provides an overview of the history and development of the uniquely American institution of Home Owner Associations within Common Interest Developments. It explores what was intended, what it became, and attempts to answer the questions, "How did this happen?," "How is this possible in America?," and "Why Can't I Seem to Buy a Home That's NOT in an HOA?"
Emphasis will be on what HOAs were and are intended to be versus what they are capable of becoming.
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Lecture Three:
“But I AM Napoleon!”: The Psychology of AssHOAles and Their Victims
This lecture explores the psychology behind, integrated with, and instigated by the unique social structure of HOAs. It applies consideration of the Power-Centered personality type and that of the Compassion-Centered personality type and how each experiences and reacts to the social situation of being immersed in an HOA environment. The lecture explores how problematic behavioral and personality types are attracted to the plenary power given to them when acting as Board members and how their neighbors often become victims of their behavior.
This lecture also takes an academic look at the "asshole" personality and the unique instance of this in the HOA environment in which they become, as the author terms it, "assHOAles," as well as a detailed look at the personality type behind it, the narcissist.
The lecture then offers resources and strategies for contending with "assHOAles" whether they are a resident or fellow Board member, both of whom often suffer from their exposure to these personalities.
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Lecture Five:
“This Is the Hour of the Shire-Folk …”: HOA Reform
In J.R.R. Tolkien's trilogy The Lord of the Rings, the literal and figurative smallest of the small in the story "arise from their quiet fields to shake the towers and counsels of the Great" (Tolkien, The Fellowship of the Ring.) Victims of abusive HOAs are often subject to conditions of authoritarian police states, and as discussed in previous lectures, and have little to no viable recourse or action to secure justice and protection.
And yet -
A consistent and increased amount of media coverage, social media exposure, and homeowner advocacy groups through the years are beginning to bring these horrible conditions and glaring flaws in the system to light. People are increasingly intolerant of the lack of housing choice, the passing off of HOA responsibilities to for-profit Property Management companies, and in a world where fewer people have time or interest to engage in and be part of an HOA Board, neighborhood leadership falls to power-driven and abusive individuals who are ruining the entire institution and destroying individuals' lives.
Legislators in every state are starting to pay attention and laws are being passed to offer homeowners protections and to restore their Constitutional rights where they are being violated and denied. This lecture shows attendees how to find existing legislation in their state, how to find proposed bills in their state, and offers ideas for ways to act to change legislation in order to balance the power of HOA boards, protect homeowners and Board members alike, and to create a more democratic, equitable, and beneficial system within which home owners and American citizens cannot be destroyed.
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Lecture Two:
The Emperor’s New Clothes and an Estate to Go with It:
The Myths, The Illusions, and
The Realities of HOAs
This lecture looks at Common Interest Developments (CIDs) and their requisite HOAs through the lens of a social analysis, rhetoric, media literacy, consumer culture analysis, and theoretical mythology.
This lecture will explore the marketing strategies and techniques which created the initial appeal of CID/HOA neighborhoods, the exclusive and exclusionary appeal to home buyers, social conditions which created a desire for "luxury" and "the suburbs," the marketing myths that promoted them which persist to this day, and takes a look at the reality of CIDs and HOAs behind the facade of marketing and their requisite narratives to see the realities experienced by homeowner residents.
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Lecture Four:
Neither Fish nor Fowl, but Often Fishy and Foul: HOA Law, Legislation, and Private Pseudo-Government
VIEWABLE ONLINE! Click image below.
This lecture explores and seeks to explain the unique entity that is an HOA in that they are neither an actual government entity with oversight and accountability, yet they are not corporations in the traditional sense. HOAs are known to dodge the law of either category by being both and neither, dependent on private contract law, often creating a judicial stalemates which simply line the pockets of attorneys, destroy individuals' finances, and create little to no resolution or precedent upon which American residents can depend for justice and protection.
Yet federal and state laws promise us "unalienable" rights. A few, which may be helpful and informative for residents in HOA Hell, are offered for reference and to confirm that yes, we do have these rights.
This information is meant to help you to
*Know what your rights are
*Be able to speak intelligently and knowledgeably when conferring with counsel or others
*Begin your own research and exploration as to laws and rights in your specific case
CLICK HERE to access the Powerpoint of this presentation with links to sources.
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If you would like to schedule a live presentation, please send a message via the Contact page.
Lecture Six:
“It Becomes Necessary for One People to Dissolve the Political Bands …”: Recognizing and Ending HOA Abuse
This lecture focuses on identifying the symptoms of an abusive HOA board and educates participants as to what HOA Hells are and the horrors that American citizens are sometimes subject to within them. It offers ideas and resources for how homeowners who are subject to abusive HOA Boards or individual Board members can help themselves and their neighbors to fight the abuse and attempt to create a healthy Association. This will also address endemic issues within the HOA industry and culture itself and educate attendees on how to be a better informed consumer, citizen, and advocate for HOA Reform whether they support the HOA system or not.
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